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1. Rose, Linda, "Tafur, Pero de." In Dictionary of the Middle Ages. edited byStrayer, Joseph R..573. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1988.
Subjects: Individuals--Pero Tafur
2. Taylor, Barry, "Late Medieval Spanish Travellers in the East: Clavijo, Tafur, Encina and Tarifa." In Eastward Bound: Travel and Travellers, 1050-1550. Edited by Allen, Rosamund. 221-234. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2004.
Subjects: Individuals--Pero Tafur/Foreign relations
3. Maḥmūd, Aḥmad Muḥammad. "Ṭāfūr .. al-Raḥḥālah al-Safīr alladhī Ṭāf al-ʿĀlam ʿalá Ẓahr Safīnah." al-Ḥajj wa-al-ʿUmrah 61, 7 (2006): 82-85.
Subjects: Individuals--Pero Tafur/Foreign relations
4. García de Herreros, Enrique, Quatre voyageurs espagnols à Alexandrie d'Égypte. 195 pp.. Alexandria: Société archéologique d'Alexandrie, 1923.
Notes: Benjamin de Tudela 1166-71 -- Ibn Goubair 1183-85 -- Pero Tafur 1435-39 -- Ali Bey El Abbassi (Domingo Badia) 1803-7
Subjects: Foreign relations/Individuals--Pero Tafur
5. Ochoa, José A.. "La descripción de Jerusalén en Pero Tafur." In Literatura Medieval, Actas do IV Congresso da Associaçāo Hispânica de Literatura Medieval, Edited by Nascimento, Aires A.//Ribeiro, Cristina Almeida, vol. 3: 147-156. Lisbon, 1-5 October 1991. Lisbon: Ediçōes Cosmos, 1993.
Series: Collecçāo Medievalia,
Subjects: Places--Jerusalem/Individuals--Pero Tafur/Foreign relations
6. Ochoa Anadón, José Antonio. "El viaje de Pero Tafur por Tierra Santa." In Actas II Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval, Edited by Megías, José Manuel Lucía//Alonso, Paloma Gracia//Daza, Carmen Martín, vol. 2: 597-608. Segovia, 5-19 October 1987. [Alcalá de Henares]: Universidad de Alcalá, 1992.
Subjects: Individuals--Pero Tafur/Places--Palestine/Foreign relations



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